Sunday 26 June 2016


Our next destination was Ronda, two and a half hours from Jerez by bus. It is a picturesque ride, with stops at several white hill towns and views of the peaks of the Parque Natural Sierra de Grazalema. Ronda has a spectacular location on a gorge and the Puente Nuevo joins the old and new towns.
The bull ring is an interesting visit, being the oldest and largest in Spain. The history of bull fighting is told in an exhibit - a famous matador of the 1700s, Pedro Romero, killed nearly 6000 bulls, and he lived to be over 80.
Our hotel, Enfrente Art, is a real gem. We have a spacious room with a terrace which leads out to a swimming pool that we have appreciated on the hot afternoons. They have a help your self bar, even with draught beer. In the evening you can walk through the gardens to a terrace that overlooks the countryside as the sun sets enjoying complimentary sangria and tapas. We will be sad to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Tell James, nice shirt. This is like a trip down memory lane; a repeat of our train trip through Andulusia
