Friday 22 July 2016

San Sebastián

San Sebastián has a beautiful setting on Concha Bay, with a long promenade linking the two peaks at either end. The countryside is lush and green, the area gets plenty of rain and we have had to use our umbrellas for the first time since we left England. It is very busy here at this time of year and it is a great location for families, with the the sandy beach, nautical activities, funicular ride and easy walks in the parks around the peaks. There are plenty of pintxos bars, particularly in the Old Town, and it can be a challenge to find a seat when you go into one. The locals don't seem to mind standing up to have a drink or snack, seats are optional.
There is a beautiful coastal walk to the next town, Pasaie, with great views from the cliff top path. At the end you descend into Pasaie, which has a nice little harbour and then catch the bus back to San Sebastián.

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